Monday, December 28, 2009

Couldn't make it on Boxing Day

 Becos Santa dropped by to greet my father-in-law (rtd army sergeant

and also to greet my mum-in-law too

Merry X'mas :)))

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

In And Around D'Arts (Part 2)

Taking time off his nasi lemak business

A special lil friend drop by

Helping to burn joss papers

Transforming flour into figurines

From Winnie the Pooh to the legendary dragon

Chinese calligraphy

Her tools

Her works

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

For Ah Teck

Pix One

Pix Two

No more pix oredi ... serious

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Gaya ada saje

Dis fella also gaya aje

Ini kawan Mel

You can check out anytime u like ...

Good friends

Ah Teck - The lonely

Ah Teck - The not so lonely ...

Ah Teck - watch your hands - ok ?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

n The Nite Was Still Young !

Aw ... so sweet

And they shared a song

He had just lost his pool game ... but clearly a winner here !

From MMU

After the tournament proper, this group came. Undergraduates of MMU studying for their accountancy degree (I think). Reminded me of my time in TAR college when I just had to take a break from burning too much of the midnight oil (studying of cos).

Ah Teck shoo-ing them together for a group pic

And I took the pic

And Sam and Ah Teck joined in

And one more just in case the previous one tak jadi...