Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My condition

Seems that things seem pretty bleak for recovery. Now in HDU Pantai. God knows what His plans are. I may pull through this round, i may not.

My life have been without any regrets with a wonderful family whom i love very very much, especially my wife who has been so strong and loving in these difficult times.

If God's plan is for me to be with Him soon, then my wish is for:
-  My darling wife to be strong for our 2 darling daughters;
-  Doreen to complete your UPM studies and make papa and mummy proud
-  Sherene to try your best in studies and together with Doreen, take care of mummy

To my siblings, my love to you all
To my relatives and friends, stay healthy and be happy
To my JB friends, do render help to Carol if needed.
To my Mlk friends/collegues, it was great know you guys sharing our joys and troubles.

If His plan is to help me fight this through, who knows a miracle may happen. If so, then treat this post as premature.

God bless.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Shortness of breath (SOB) hit me again yesterday and i got myself admitted to Pantai today. X-ray showed that it was not due to fluid build up. So they will observe me for 3 days in the HDU. Strictly no TV but i pray for Germany to win the Cup.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Be thankful!

Read this excerpt from an article by an oncologist:

"Cancer cells are the dump site of the body. I always coax my patients to be thankful for the cancer cells because they have let you Iive for 8-13 years more. If not for them, which filter the rubbish in the blood, you might have died of septicemia then."

Hmm... I am still trying to figure it out!