Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 84 X-Rays

X-rays of my lungs at various stages:
Yellow = tumor
Blue = fluid (now completely disappeared)

The bottom pix is that of a set of healthy lungs - just for comparison purposes.

Day 84 5th chemo

For the past 3 weeks, I have been eating well and exercising regularly. Bowel movement was frequent, almost daily. No more fever or cough. Joint pains reduced. Shortness of breath minimal.

This is the 12th week. My blood test report shows that the cancer marker reduced from 120 to 50 U/mL The normal range is 0 to 35 U/mL. I am reaching there...

The doc said that I am one of the few patients who have responded so well to chemo (wonder if he says that to most of his patients!?). He is very positive about the progress.

Tumor size has slightly reduced. No measurement was noted in the radiology report but the doctor estimated it to be 3.5cm x 2.6cm (previously 6.2cm x 3.6cm).

I am happy with my weight gain. It was 58 kg on my 1st visit to the clinic, then 55 kg, 56 kg, 57 kg on each subsequent visits. Now at 61 kg. Before cancer crept in, I was at 68kg. But I don't think I want to reach there. 65 kg is my target.

The dietician came over smiling and extending her 4 fingers in mid-air signifying a 4 kg gain (in 3 weeks). She said "no need to see me again since you are eating well and gaining weight"!

Alarming to note that my BP has been steadily climbing for the past weeks. I monitor my BP daily which registers about 120-80 or thereabouts. But lately it is hovering at about 150-90. This morning it was 166-89. Doc says to continue monitoring for the next 3 weeks.

My daughters still don't know about my illness and I don't intend to worry them lest it may affect their studies. Will do so much later, I guess, at an appropriate time

I am now undergoing chemo while blogging this post:

Would love do it with Guinness. But green tea will do for now. Cheers!