Thursday, February 27, 2014

Terrible time

After having done the CT scan + blood test + chemo and rested for a day, it was back to office mainly to fill up my time sheet and have a team discussion on Friday.

High fever came and persisted so it was back to Pantai on Saturday for a blood test. Guess what? There were traces of dengue anti bodies. This meant that I had dengue recently which I din even know!

Then came the severe side effects. Lots of wind. Kept burping and farting. Diarrhoea attack. Body aches. Fever. Severe fatigue. Like a zombie. Half dead. Was in bed most of the time.

Couldn't report for work and even had to miss one ACM which was important for me to attend.

Images of CT scan

The tumour on my right lung.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 210 (Week 31)

After a 6-week break, I am resuming my chemo treatment but using another drug called TAXOTERE. CT Scan showed that the tumour grew to about 5x6 cm. Cancer marker at 222 U/mL.

After chemo, while standing up and getting ready to leave, i noticed blood on the floor, tray and over my left wrist and sleeve. Apparently, blood was still oozing out from the vein used fot the IV! Nurse Margaret cleaned up the mess.

My usual session took a twist this time round with the doc saying prayer in our presence. He also asked me to read "Psalm 1-21" of the Bible which was supposed to be my assignment for the next 3 weeks...

By the way, I have been taking Porcupine bezoar (in capsule form) for the past week. This "powder" apparently works miracles and is very expensive. Thanks to Arthur (my boss) who bought them from a friend and FOCed to me. Shhh.... don't tell the doctor.