Saturday, June 21, 2014


Over the weekend, shortness of breath (SOB) crept in and i found myself gasping for air each time i climbed 3 flights of stairs to my apartment. It got worse. I couldn't sleep for 3 nights due to the very heavy breathing. Even sleeping upright was impossible. Damn scary, you know.

Had no choice but to bring forward my medical appointment to 18 june (a week earlier). X-ray showed that a lot of fluid had accumulated around the right lung thus restricting oxygen intake. A chest drain was done by inserting a small tube into the lung area to drain out the fluid.

It was professionally done by one Dr Hwang who explained step by step to me throughout the entire procedure (i was on local). About 2.5 litres - imagine 2 1/2 big mineral water bottles - were drained out over a 3-day period. And that's hellava lot to me!

The 3 X-rays showed the amount of fluid (bottom area of the right lung) firstly detected, accummulated and then drained.

Will discharge today. Feeling any better? Of cos but the problem is not completely resolved. The doc said there are a few causes of the SOB. He only solved part of the problem. Issues of the lung cancer will need to be resolved by the onco. If not, the SOB will recur [sigh again].

The whole procedure including 4D3N stay (+meals) costs me RM5,700 :(

I will be shifting shortly to Tmn Kenanga (landed property) soon... No need to climb 3 flights of stairs anymore.

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